These are six of the toughest prisons in the world. Prisons so tough, even gang bosses and killers learn the meaning of fear. Across four continents, six different prisons, the series takes us beyond the gates, walls, barred windows and cells into an unknown world, a world we know exists, but a world nobody wants to think about. Imagine prisons so tough that even the hardest ga...
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动物奇门功夫第一季纪录片欧美综艺完结杰瑞米·雷纳 人类可能相信自己是世界上最伟大的探险家,但事实并非如此。每天有数以百万计的动物沿着已经使用了几个世纪的路径在全球范围内迁徙。它们翱翔、飞行、游泳,从南极洲到非洲大草原,从太平洋到阿拉斯加。这个系列让观
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