6.0HDThe story of the notorious Tom Monfils murder investigation, and how various pursuits of the truth w
超乎人性纪录片犯罪纪录9.0HDIn-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual as
受害者/嫌疑人纪录片犯罪纪录8.0HD中字It showcases what happened in 1993 in Waco, Texas when cult leader David Koresh faced off against
韦科惨案:末日烈火第一季纪录片犯罪纪录6.0HDIn-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual as
受害者嫌疑人 VictimSuspect纪录片犯罪纪录HDArne Cheyenne Johnson Foster Hamilton Susannah Spearin Adam Hunt Victor Serfaty Kathy Rupcic Raine Van Elsacker 这是第一次也是唯一一次“恶魔附体”在美国谋杀案审判中被正式用作辩护理由的案件,来源于电影《招魂3》里的真实事件,收录了恶魔附身和谋杀的第一手资料,迫使人们反思对未知的恐惧。
审判恶魔恐怖纪录片犯罪纪录9.0HD中字Melony Feliciano Cris Colicchio Alex Olson Alex Hammerli Donna Pastorello Sarah Kuklis Joseph Scotto Stephanie Beauchamp Isa Camyar Kevin Delano Alicia Erlinger Marla Freeman Ashley Rose Folino Paul Faggione Frank Sorgenti 安德鲁·J.韦斯特 纪录片系列揭示了伯纳德·麦道夫臭名昭著的百亿庞氏骗局背后的真相,以及整个金融系统如何让它蓬勃发展了几十年的故事。